At The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre we have a team of nurses and support workers who work directly with your medical team to provide advice and support for you throughout your treatment and beyond.

The nursing team comprises of Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP), Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) and Cancer Support Workers (CSW) and together we cover CCC locations across Cheshire and Merseyside.

Advanced nurse practitioners

An Advanced Nurse Practitioner is a nurse who has undertaken advanced clinical training and is able to clinically assess, diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. They work as part of the medical team in clinic and you may sometimes be seen by an ANP instead of your consultant when you are due a review.

Clinical nurse specialists

The Clinical Nurse Specialist is a nurse who has specialist experience in skin cancer care. Their role is to be a keyworker / point of contact for you and your family throughout your treatment at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. They can provide psychological support and symptom / toxicity management advice. They can signpost you to additional areas of support or refer you to other members of the multidisciplinary team as required.

Cancer support workers

Cancer Support Workers work closely with and support the nursing and medical team. When you begin your treatment at Clatterbridge you will be invited to complete the Macmillan electronic Holistic Needs Assessment (eHNA). This will help us better understand and meet your individual needs and support you through your treatment. If at any time your needs change please ask for the link to be reassessed so the team can support you if anything changes. 

Information alert

Your Clinical Nurse Specialist is ………………………

Your Cancer Support Worker is ……………………….

Skin Cancer Nursing team contact details

Tel: 0151 556 5565. This phone is monitored Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm (09:00-17:00). If you need to get in touch with us you can leave a voicemail here and we will aim to get back to you within 24 hours.

Urgent alert

It is important that if you are unwell you must ring the Clatterbridge Hotline at any time of day on 0800 169 5555 for specialist nursing advice and assessment.