Clatterbridge research nurses
Our nursing staff have expertise in clinical trials

Clatterbridge is one of the UK’s leading cancer centres and we are committed to making ground-breaking research available to patients and helping to enhance understanding of this disease.

We strive to improve patient care by staying at the forefront of new treatments, technologies and techniques to deliver more effective and personalised therapies than ever before. Many of our patients take part in clinical research to further this knowledge.

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre is committed to providing the best cancer care to the people we serve, and a strong research capability is essential to deliver this aim. Research studies offer patients a treatment choice and an opportunity to gain access to new therapies. They also improve the capabilities of our workforce and enhance how our staff deliver care.

Our extensive portfolio of clinical trials includes early phase and first-in-human studies, and we have a dedicated Early Phase Clinical Trials Unit at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Liverpool (CCC-L). Our expanding Biobank at CCC-L stores human samples which our researchers – and teams from across Cheshire and Merseyside – can access for clinical research.

Research within the Research and Innovation Department is made up of the Research Governance and Management Team, Delivery Team and the Clinical Academic Unit. The Governance and Delivery Teams provide support to the Clinical Academic Unit and research active NHS consultants.

We are part of important collaborations which enhances our ability to do research, including being part of Liverpool Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) with the University of Liverpool; being partners within a Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) with The Royal Marsden, in London; working within Liverpool Clinical Research Facility (CRF), which is hosted by Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The Trust has a Research Strategy (2021-2026) which is patient-centred, reflects our mission and values, and is committed to driving forward how we carry out research as we transform cancer care across our region. At the heart of the Research Strategy (2021-26) is the strengthening of links and collaborations through our flagship hospital in Liverpool – within the city’s Knowledge Quarter – and academic partners, including the University of Liverpool, other NHS organisations and stakeholders, which will improve the outcomes of cancer patients.

Read our Research Strategy here: Research Strategy.

You can read our latest Research and Innovation Department Annual Report here: R&I Research and Innovation Annual Report

Below, clinical trials patient Bernadette Ross shares her experience of being part of research at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.