Video appointments – also known as video consultations – are a convenient and secure alternative to having to come to hospital.

A video appointment allows you to speak to your doctor or another healthcare professional using the video camera on a mobile phone (smartphone), tablet or computer. It uses a secure NHS system to protect your confidentiality. 

If you are clinically suitable for video appointments, it means you do not have to come to hospital every time for face-to-face appointments. This can save you time and money. 

The secure NHS system that we use for our video appointments is called Attend Anywhere.  

Attend Anywhere  

Attend Anywhere is a secure NHS video call service for patients with pre-arranged appointment times only. 

If you would like to choose video appointments, please speak to your clinical team. If appropriate, they will book your appointment for you. 

Your appointment letter (sent by text or email) will include the secure link you need to click when it is time for your video appointment.

Video calling is convenient and easy to use. Instead of travelling to your appointment, you will enter the online waiting area, using the link below. The service will see that you have arrived, and a provider will join your call when ready. There is no need to create an account. Video calls are secure and your privacy is protected.

  • A video appointment is just as convenient as a phone call with the added value of face-to-face communication. It can save you time and money, and brings your care closer to home. 
  • Video appointments are secure – your privacy is protected. You have your own private video room that only authorised healthcare professionals (clinicians) can enter. You can have a family member or friend with you during your video appointment if you would find this helpful.
  • You don’t use any data while waiting for a clinician to join you. A video appointment uses a similar amount of data to Skype or FaceTime. It is free (except for your internet usage). 
  • If you can connect to a home or work Wi-Fi network, you won’t need to use your mobile data allowance. Don’t connect to public WiFi unless you have a secure VPN.

  1. Make sure you are somewhere that you feel comfortable – somewhere that is well lit and where you will not be disturbed.
  2. Check that you are using Google Chrome Windows 7+, Android 5.1+, MacOS 10.11+, Apple Safari MacOS 10.12+, iOS 11.4+, iPadOS 13+ or Microsoft Edge browser.
  3. Before your appointment, you can test that your camera, microphone and speakers are working by going to the Attend Anywhere test page.
  4. To attend your video appointment, click the secure link you were sent in your digital appointment letter. Press the ‘Start video call’ button and follow the instructions.
  5. You will enter your own ‘waiting room’. No one else can see or hear you – it is completely private.
  6. Your healthcare provider will see that you have entered the waiting room. Your clinician will join you when they are ready for your appointment. Don’t worry if they do not join you straight away – they will be with you as soon as they can.

If you have any problems connecting to your video appointment, call the number on your appointment letter.

This video explains how Attend Anywhere video appointments work. It tells you how to join your video appointment. You might find it helpful to watch this video before your first video appointment. 

Video transcript 


Like many health care services, we offer video appointments, allowing you to see your clinician from your home or workplace.

It's easy to use and it saves you time, energy and money.

A video call gives you the same safety, confidentiality, and care as a face to face appointment. You'll see and talk to your clinician and they can share things like photos, scans and X-rays on your screen if relevant.

Your appointment, email, text message or letter will include a web address to enter into your browser.

You can use a computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet as long as you have a webcam, microphone, speakers and an internet connection.

Check, you have either Chrome, Safari, or Edge browsers on your device to enter the clinic link you've been sent. 

If you need help or if you don't have suitable equipment, phone the clinic or ask a relative or friend to help you prepare.

Before the video call check your letter and prepare any information you might need for the appointment. Find a place that's private, quiet, and well-lit. Try to avoid a bright light or sunlight behind you. If you're using a phone or tablet, prop it up to keep it steady.

5 minutes before your appointment is due to start, enter the clinic link into your browser and click the Enter Waiting Area button.

After some automatic checks, enter your name, phone number and date of birth so the clinician knows who you are. These details are erased after the call.

You will then go into your own private waiting area.

You may receive some update messages if the clinic is running late. 

If you cannot connect properly or are worried, you've been waiting too long, call the number on your screen or letter, but keep the video call open, your clinician might be just about to join you.

When you're ready, your clinician will join you and your appointment will start. If the sound or picture starts to break up, or the call drops, simply click the Refresh button at the top of the call screen. This restarts the call exactly where you left off.

Your clinician can use the chat box to send additional information or clarify in writing anything you don't understand.

An interpreter, chaperone, or family member can also join you as a guest if you need support. 

At the end of your appointment, just say goodbye, click the End button and get on with your day.

Your video call is safe and secure, with none of the cost, disruption and environmental impact of travel.

The NHS video consultation platform is powered by Attend Anywhere, a product of the Induction Healthcare Group.

If you'd like to test your device before your appointment, type in the following web address.

This is just for testing purposes only.

Thank you for watching.

We hope this has helped you prepare for your video call with your clinician.
