We want our patients, our staff and the public to be involved in our research at Clatterbridge.
Join a research study

Our patients play a huge role our ability to discover new therapies to treat the disease, design new techniques or find innovative ways to look after those in our care.
Thousands of our patients have taken part in research at Clatterbridge – including on clinical trials – and many of the pioneering studies they have joined have led to therapies becoming standard treatments in the NHS.
If you are a Clatterbridge patient and are eligible for a clinical trial, your clinician will discuss this with you. For more information on the clinical research trials which are currently taking place at Clatterbridge, follow this link to a clinical trials information page: Clinical trials at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.
As is the case with all medical procedures, there is an element of risk, but all Clatterbridge’s clinical trials go through many layers of testing and authorisation by national organisations before they are offered to patients.
All clinical trials patients are closely monitored throughout their treatment, and afterwards, to minimise any problems that may arise. Patients are only invited to join a clinical research trial if the medical team believes it can help them – and taking part is completely voluntary. Patients can leave the trial at any time, without the need to give a reason.
For more information about clinical research trials, watch the video below. A British Sign Language version of this animation can be seen by following this link to a sign language video.
If you are not a Clatterbridge patient, we are not able to make referrals to research studies via direct telephone calls or emails to our hospitals or staff. Please contact your GP, consultant or surgeon to discuss the possibility of joining the clinical trial you are interested in. If you are eligible for a particular trial, your clinician can refer you to us and you will be contacted in due course.
Tell us your views or ideas for research
We are keen to involve patients and other users of our services in the research process.
You may have a view on research that you think would be useful for us to undertake, or you may wish to give an opinion about a specific project that we are planning. Whatever it is, your opinions are valuable to us. Getting involved in research is a voluntary process and is open to everyone.
There are several ways to support Research at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre:
• Providing ideas for research projects
• Getting involved in research focus groups
• Reviewing research materials such as patient information sheets
• Disseminating research results via media and at conferences
• Advising on the best ways to approach patients for clinical trials
Please get in touch with us through the contact information below.
Join our Patient and Public Involvement Forum
Clatterbridge has long recognised the importance of patient and public participation in routine and research activities. We are also committed to involving diverse socio-economic groups of patients and the public in its research activities. Such involvement provides a wealth of insight, perspectives, expertise and experience.
In 2019-2020, CCC launched a comprehensive Patient Involvement Strategy to ensure that our care and services take into account patient and public experience and in November 2020, our newly established Patient and Public Involvement Forum (PPI Forum) convened for the first time.
The PPI Forum meets on a regular basis and new members are always welcome. In November 2021, a quarterly newsletter from the Forum was launched.
Emma Whitby, Head of Research Delivery, said of the PPI Forum: “Patients are at the heart of what we do and ensuring they have a voice that is heard is of paramount importance to staff in Research and Innovation.”
For more information about the PPI Forum or to ask to join it, please email our Research team.
Contact us
To contact us about research, write to:
The Research and Innovation Centre
The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
Clatterbridge Road
Wirral CH63 4JY