Researcher filling test tubes
Clatterbridge has extensive experience as a Sponsor

Clatterbridge conducts a number of research studies for which we are a sponsor.

All research studies falling under the scope of the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations (SI 1031/20/2004), termed ‘the Regulations’ and the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research v3.2 10/10/2017 termed ‘the Framework’ must have a nominated Research Sponsor.

A research sponsor is the organisation or entity that takes legal responsibility for initiating, managing, and sometimes funding the study. The sponsor oversees various aspects of the trial, including its design, conduct, and regulatory compliance. Sponsors can be government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, NHS Trusts or other research organisations.

For studies outside the regulations but within the scope of the Framework a Sponsor is defined as: ‘the individual, or organisation (or group of individuals or organisations) that takes on responsibility for confirming there are proper arrangements to initiate, manage and monitor and finance a study’.

Clatterbridge has extensive experience acting as Sponsor for both CTIMP and Non-CTIMP studies as well as having a dedicated team who provide all the support necessary to enable a Chief Investigator (CI) of any level to develop and deliver their research study.

Our sponsorship team at Clatterbridge – Dr Maria Maguire, Head of Research Governance and Sponsorship; David Price, Research Governance and Sponsorship Manager; and Brogan Johnston, Research Governance Facilitator – aims to make the sponsorship process as streamlined as possible.

For Clinical Trial Investigational Medicinal Product (CTIMP) or interventional studies, the trial should be run using a Clinical Trials Unit (CTU). Clatterbridge can facilitate this with our preferred CTU.

If a project is still in the early stages of development when approaching Clatterbridge for sponsorship, RM&G will offer support in completing and submitting grant applications as well as gaining ethical and regulatory approvals.

If you have any queries about Sponsorship or if you’d like to discuss an application, please email

Clatterbridge is currently Sponsor for a number of research studies. For more about these and our other clinical trials, please see our Clinical Trials page: Clinical trials at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.