Help us be the best we can be. 

There are lots of ways you can get involved to help us improve our care and the services we provide.

You could fill in a Friends and Family Test questionnaire, thank a member of staff who has helped you, fundraise for the Clatterbridge Cancer Charity or volunteer at your local hospital. We are keen to work with patients and carers to make sure that our services suit your needs.

You can also get involved by joining us as a foundation trust member, on a placement as a student or trainee (or on work experience) or coming to work here. 

Working with our patients, carers and community

We believe that involving patients and carers helps us learn about things from your point of view, helping us to improve the services we provide. We want to work in partnership with you so we can make sure everyone receives the very best care.

We appreciate and welcome the support of patients, carers, family members and voluntary and community groups who are happy to give their time to help us understand how we can meet the needs of the local community.

If you are interested in finding out more about getting involved:

•    Call 0151 318 8805 or 
•    Email the patient experience team 

Patient panels are forums where you can share your experiences and your views. Groups meet throughout the year to help us decide what care should look like and to review patient feedback. This is your opportunity to get involved in projects about the future of healthcare in your area.

Members can get involved in patient panels in a way that suits them. You can take part by email, phone or at meetings. We want to hear from you and are inclusive of all backgrounds in the communities we serve. We will provide you with a safe space to share ideas.

Your views matter and we are listening. We want to know what you think of our services and your feedback helps us build on what we do well and make changes where we could do better.

Let us know about your experience of our services

Talk to a member of staff in the treatment area, on the ward or in the clinic. We’d like to hear about what we’re doing well and what needs improving:

•    If you are letting us know we have done well, thank you very much. Our staff always love to hear that you’ve had a good experience. 

•    If you have a concern, we want to help as quickly as possible so please let us know if something isn’t right for you.

If you would prefer to talk to someone not directly involved in the care provided to you or the person you care for, you can contact our friendly and helpful Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Visit our feedback, compliments and complaints page for more information and contact details. 

We value your feedback. Please take a few minutes to let us know what you thought of our care by completing a short survey – the Friends and Family Test. 

All answers are anonymous and will directly help us in measuring and improving quality of care and the overall experience for our patients.

We really appreciate you taking part in the survey.

If you feel a team, staff member or volunteer at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre has delivered an exceptional service or really impressed you, then tell us about it! 

Our monthly Star Award recognises the people who go out of their way to make a difference to patients, visitors, colleagues or our hospitals in general. 

Anyone can nominate someone for a Star Award. Include as much detail as you can to help our judges know why you think the person or team deserves to win an award.
We announce our staff winners on our social media each month.

We are a foundation trust which means you can become a ‘member’ of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and help shape what we do. 

Membership is completely free and you can choose to be involved as much or as little as you like. You can get regular news from us, take part in discussions or take on a bigger role. 

Our members have a number of important roles including:

  • We will ask for your views on plans for future development of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and the services we provide
  • You can elect people to serve on our Council of Governors
  • You can stand for election to the Council of Governors
  • You can put yourself forward for appointment as a non-executive director on our Trust Board or as our chair

To find out more or register as a member:

Our volunteers make an invaluable contribution to the enhancement of patient experience at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, by welcoming them and making them feel at ease. We have volunteers at our three main hospital sites: 

  • Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - Aintree 
  • Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - Liverpool
  • Clatterbridge Cancer Centre - Wirral

Find out more about volunteering at our hospitals.

There are hundreds of different types of jobs and careers at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. They include:

  • Clinical roles such as doctors, nurses, radiographers, pharmacists and allied health professionals
  • Clinical support roles such as healthcare scientists, healthcare support workers, assistant practitioners and technicians
  • Non-clinical roles such as:
    • Administrative services (appointment booking, clerical roles, medical secretaries, reception staff and so on)
    • Estates and facilities
    • HR
    • Finance
    • IT, business intelligence and data 
    • Project managers

Find out about job opportunities and careers with us.

We are proud that so many trainees and students choose to do placements with us each year. We value our trainees and students and want them to get the most from their placements here – valuable learning and experience. 

We offer a range of placements including formal training placements, student placements, work experience and shadowing. 

Find out more about training, student and work experience with us.