who received the 20,000th examination
Paddington Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC), which provides better access to testing to diagnose a range of health conditions, is celebrating its one year anniversary.
Located in Paddington Village in the former Rutherford Cancer Centre North West building, the centre is owned and operated by The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust on behalf of the NHS in Cheshire and Merseyside.
With the opening of the Paddington CDC one year ago, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre became the first cancer centre in the United Kingdom to expand beyond cancer by providing people with diagnostic testing for other health conditions as well as those who may have cancer.
Paddington CDC offers tests to people referred by their GP or other health professionals to check for a wide range of conditions including musculoskeletal problems, cancer, cardiac issues and gastrointestinal disease. Located centrally and away from the busy hospital setting, the centre allows patients to access their diagnostic tests quicker and benefit from a calm environment.
As part of the celebrations being held on Wednesday 24th July, the centre will also be able to celebrate their 20,000th examination. Alison Warriner, from Liverpool, received the 20,000th examination delivered at Paddington CDC after being referred by her GP.
“I’m very excited to have had the 20,000th examination, definitely not something I expected when I was referred to Paddington CDC for my tests!
"The staff have been very professional and helpful and the centre was easy to find, plus the free parking was a nice touch! I’m glad to have been part of the festivities today – a nice bonus to having to get a test done.”
Paddington CDC currently offers CT, MRI and ultrasound scans as well as blood tests (phlebotomy). With the current success of the centre there is significant potential to expand to provide more tests and services in the future, further boosting local NHS diagnostic capacity. Cheshire and Merseyside has now rolled out 10 CDCs as part of a national NHS England programme supported by government funding.
Dr Liz Bishop, Chief Executive of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust and Senior Responsible Officer for Diagnostics in Cheshire and Merseyside, said:
“We are so proud of the work our community diagnostic centres are doing across Cheshire and Merseyside. Paddington’s success over this past year is testament to the brilliant team who work hard to provide quality diagnostic services to our patients.
"Our aim with these centres is to provide our patients with access to quick diagnostic testing, in a convenient and easy to find location, closer to home. With Paddington reaching their 20,000th examination in a year only goes to show what a difference our CDCs are making.
"Thanks so much to Alison for helping us celebrate this accomplishment and here’s to 20,000 more exams being delivered.”
Michelle Moody, Paddington CDC Site Manager, said:
“I can’t say enough about the team we have here at Paddington, they are truly dedicated to providing our patients with the best service possible and have made the past year that we have been in operation a rewarding and enjoyable experience!
"I speak for everyone when I say we are looking forward to another productive year and to performing another 20,000 examinations!”