Later this month, we will be celebrating the one-year anniversary of the opening of Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Liverpool, our flagship hospital in the heart of the city’s Knowledge Quarter. It was the culmination of the ambitions we set in our last five-year plan for expanding and enhancing cancer care through a major new specialist hospital in Liverpool and further embedding our unique networked model of care.
Now we are looking ahead to the next five years with our new Five-Year Strategic Plan 2021-2025, which describes how we will achieve our mission of driving improved patient outcomes and experience by maximising the benefits of the new hospital and our unique network of specialist cancer care across Cheshire and Merseyside.
Our plan focuses on six priorities. They have been shaped by feedback from patients, staff and colleagues in other organisations and are aligned to population needs in Cheshire and Merseyside and the strategic directions set by our local, regional and national partners:
Be outstanding
Deliver safe, high-quality care and outstanding operational and financial performance
Be collaborative
Drive better outcomes for cancer patients, working with our partners across our unique network of care
Be a great place to work
Attract, develop and retain a highly-skilled, motivated and inclusive workforce to deliver the best care
Be research leaders
Be leaders in cancer research to improve outcomes for patients now and in the future
Be digital
Deliver digitally transformed services, empowering patients and staff
Be innovative
Be enterprising and innovative, exploring opportunities that improve or support patient care
Read our strategy
We are already progressing our plans for year 1, including interventional radiology for cancer treatment, greater use of genomics in cancer care, expansion of treatment at home, and planning the upgrade and refurbishment of Clatterbridge Cancer Centre – Wirral. You can read more about it in the strategy section of our website. We've also included quick links below to the full strategy, a summary version and a short briefing with some of the key highlights.