This means:
- No visitors are allowed on inpatient wards, other than exceptional circumstances agreed in advance (e.g. end of life)
- No visitors are allowed to accompany patients to appointments, other than exceptional circumstances agreed in advance (e.g. for patients with additional needs)
- No business visitors/contractors, other than for essential work and maintenance agreed in advance
Arrangements for inpatients
We have special arrangements in place to support inpatients while these visiting restrictions are in place:
- Families can send messages to patients / arrange video calls by contacting
- Families can arrange items from home to be delivered to patients by contacting
- (If you don’t have access to email, please speak to
the ward.)
If you believe exceptional circumstances apply and want to request permission to visit, you should speak to staff on the ward/department in question. They will be happy to discuss this and make any appropriate arrangements.
*We had been piloting limited visiting for inpatients. This has now stopped.