We are committed to keeping our patients, visitors and staff safe from infection risks. 

Infection Prevention and Control team 

The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) team are a dedicated team of specialist nurses and consultant microbiologists who work together with all healthcare staff to try to identify infection risks and ensure patients are cared for in a safe, clean environment. 

The team is also closely involved with all new developments to make sure that infection prevention and control is an integral part of everything we do.

The team consists of:

  • A lead nurse supported by two specialist nurses
  • A consultant microbiologist
  • A consultant virologist

In addition, our matrons and senior staff are responsible for making sure that infection prevention and control standards are maintained in all areas.

We expect very high standards of cleanliness in all departments of our hospitals. All areas should be cleaned at least once a day, with extra cleaning where we have identified infection. 

If you have any concerns about the ward or department you are visiting, do not hesitate to speak to the person in charge – they will make sure that your concern is addressed immediately.

Good hand hygiene – cleaning your hands – is essential in keeping patients safe and preventing the spread of infection. 

We ask staff to clean their hands before any activity that involves contact with patients – if you think someone should have cleaned their hands and you have not seen them do it, please ask them if their hands are clean.

We have hand rubs available at the entrances to all of our wards and departments for everyone to use.

We ask you to help us to prevent the spread of infection by following the simple steps below:

  • Wash your hands or use the hand rub at the entrance to the ward at the start and end of your visit.
  • Please don’t visit the hospital if you are ill, particularly if you are suffering from diarrhoea or vomiting or a respiratory (chest) virus. If you have had diarrhoea or vomiting, please wait at least 72 hours after your symptoms have stopped before visiting – you might still be infectious. If you have symptoms of a respiratory virus (cough, cold, sneezing), please wait at least 48 hours after symptoms have stopped before you visit. 
  • Don’t handle patient devices such as drips.
  • Please don’t sit on the beds – if there aren’t enough chairs ask a member of staff to help.
  • Please make sure that the person you are visiting has a supply of nightclothes and toiletries, and that used clothing is taken home to wash. 
  • Don’t store any fresh food in the fridges in patient rooms – give any food to the nursing staff to store. Please remember that we cannot reheat or cook food on our wards, and any fresh food will have to be discarded after 24 hours.