Our Communications Team play a vital role in keeping patients, staff and external audiences informed and involved in our work. We are the first point of contact for any media enquiries or filming and photography requests.
Our role is wide-ranging and includes among other things:
- Staff communications and engagement
- Our website, social media channels and staff intranet
- Keeping patients and visitors informed and producing material that will help them during their care with us (e.g. video guides and written information)
- Raising awareness of cancer signs and symptoms
- Supporting transformation projects and the development of new services or facilities that will enhance patient or staff experience
- Visits and events
- Media requests, filming and photography
All media requests including requests for comment, interviews, filming and photography must come through the Communications Team. We welcome media interest in our work and in raising awareness of cancer, symptoms, treatment and research. We understand your deadlines, are happy to discuss your ideas and can help you develop your stories.
Many of our staff are media-trained and leading experts in their fields. We can provide spokespeople on a wide range of topics including:
- Different types of cancer
- Different cancer treatments, including new and emerging therapies
- Cancer research and clinical trials – we have particular expertise in cancer vaccines and immunotherapies
- Stem cell transplant
- Urgent / emergency cancer care
- Cancer of unknown primary and malignancy of unknown origin
- Metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC)
- Digital innovation and AI
- Pioneering services including specialist clinics (e.g. secondary breast cancer, immunotherapy side-effects)
- Enhancing patient experience and the care environment
- Pharmacy innovation including aseptic manufacturing of cancer treatments
- Arts in cancer care, enhancing patient and staff wellbeing
Filming, photography and recording (e.g. audio content) is only allowed with permission in advance from the Communications Team. We have a lot of experience of working with news and documentary film crews, arranging live broadcasts and working with photographers and other content creators.
If you are interested in featuring our patients, staff, services or sites, just get in touch.
You will need to agree to some general terms and conditions including:
- Being chaperoned by a staff member – this is to protect people’s safety
- Following our policies (e.g. infection prevention and control)
- Respecting people’s confidentiality
- Agreeing to stop if a staff member asks you to do so
People have a right to privacy while on our sites. Information about patients or their condition will only be shared with their permission or permission from their next of kin.
Filming, photography and other recording on our sites must not include any information that could identify someone unless they have given their permission for this.
Social media
You can keep up with all our latest news and engage with us on our social media channels:
- We aim to respond to all queries within one working day. Our office hours are 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. We will respond to messages and queries posted outside those times when we are back in the office.
- The Communications Team are not health professionals and do not have access to patient information. We cannot check or change people’s appointments or provide clinical advice. However we will help users wherever we can – for example, by providing general information or directing you to people or departments who can help.
- We appreciate everyone who takes the time to engage with our social media and we read as many of your comments and messages as possible. If you have posted a compliment or shared your experience, we may contact you to ask for permission to share this.
- We cannot discuss information relating to an individual on social media, even with the individual themselves. If you have a concern or complaint, we will do our best to help by explaining how you can contact the relevant team. We may signpost you to our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
- Almost everyone who engages with our social media does so in a respectful and courteous way and would never dream of breaching these guidelines. It is extremely unusual for us to need to take the following steps. However it is important we have measures in place to deal with these rare occasions.
- If someone has breached these guidelines, we will usually contact them to explain why the content is inappropriate and ask them to remove it. If they do not remove it in a timely manner, we will then block and/or report them. We will also remove content ourselves where possible.
- In some cases, we will act immediately to remove content from our channels. We may also act immediately to block and/or report users. Examples include content that is libellous, illegal, obscene, discriminatory, malicious, vexatious, breaches someone’s privacy, presents a safeguarding issue, contains allegations against individuals, is part of an investigation, or is spam.
- We may take action to record this content – for example by screenshotting it and/or sharing it with relevant parties including service managers, the police, social media companies or partner organisations. As the content is part of the public domain, this is in permissible under UK GDPR. In some cases, the content may be used as part of investigations.
We use social media to communicate and engage with people and we welcome your comments and feedback. We know people may have different views and experiences that they want to share with us in this way.
We just ask that any comments posted on our social media channels are relevant and respectful.
- All users must comply with the relevant social media platform’s terms of use as well as these guidelines.
- You are wholly responsible for anything you post, including content that you choose to share.
- We will remove – in part or in full – posts that we feel are inappropriate. (See ‘Dealing with breaches of these guidelines’ below.)
- We will block and/or report users who post content or who direct messages at us that we believe are:
- Abusive or obscene
- Discriminatory or intimidating
- Deceptive or misleading
- In violation of any law or regulation
- Spam (e.g. irrelevant content, persistent negative or abusive content, promoting products or services, repeatedly posting similar content, etc)
- Containing allegations against people, services or organisations
- Containing other people’s personal data or breaching their privacy
- In violation of intellectual property rights
- Puts at risk the security of our premises, IT infrastructure or staff
- We will report and remove any social media profiles that are set up using our name, imagery or any affiliated branding without our permission. (The word “our” includes The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, our subsidiaries, joint ventures, hosted organisations and anything within them.)
- We know that people sometimes want to document their experience of cancer on their own social media channels. If you would like to share content about your care with us – including photos and videos from our sites – you should speak to your clinical team about this. You should never post content that breaches another person’s privacy without their consent – for example:
- Naming an individual (including staff and patients)
- Showing someone else’s face, even if they are in the background
- Including audio and images that could identify another individual
- Sharing personal information about another individual, including information about their medical history, medical condition or care
We want our social media channels to remain a positive and welcoming place for everyone including people with cancer and those who love and care for them. Our social media guidelines aim to help make sure that content on our channels is courteous and respectful of others. We reserve the right to change these terms of use at any time.
Further information
Contact the Communications Team for all media enquiries and requests for filming, photography or recording on site.
The Communications Team will respond during working hours.
Urgent out-of-hours media enquiries
If you are a journalist with a media enquiry that cannot wait until our usual office hours, please call our switchboard on 0151 556 5000 and ask for the Tactical Manager On Call.