Speech and language therapists, cancer experts, patients and their families gathered this week for the inaugural Speech and Language Therapy Head and Neck Integrated Team (HANIT) Showcase at Liverpool’s iconic Anglican Cathedral.
The event, attended by over 100 delegates, was an opportunity to highlight the service, which aims to provide a seamless experience for patients with head and neck cancer both in hospital for surgery and oncology, during any oncology treatment and out in the community.
HANIT is the only service of its kind in the country. Once a person is diagnosed with head and neck cancer, which includes cancer of the tongue, saliva glands or tonsils, they may well require surgery as well as traditional oncology treatment. They may also require on-going support including speech and language therapy to improve communication, support with their nutrition and help with how to swallow and eat comfortably and safely.
HANIT sits within the Liverpool Head and Neck Centre (LHNC) which is a collaborative between The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trusts (LUHFT), The Walton Centre and the University of Liverpool (UoL). Patients have the opportunity to have a pre-treatment clinic with the Speech and Language Therapist who will support them before, during and after their surgery/oncology treatments. The same team will support a patient and their family right along the pathway as an inpatient, during outpatient clinics and in the community.
Talks included presentations from Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance, specialist Speech and Language Therapists who spoke of the improvements that have been made in the workforce, Macmillan Cancer Support, Head and Neck Cancer support groups and patients.
Dr Heulwen Sheldrick, Principal Speech and Language Therapist at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and part of the HANIT team responsible for establishing the service said; “We’re delighted to be able to showcase the HANIT service to our stakeholders, particularly our patients who will be able to help us shape the service in the future.
“I’d like to thank all the team who have pulled the event together – many of whom are the same people who have helped make this service what it is. And also a huge thank you to our sponsors who supported the event.
“We’re proud to say HANIT has revolutionised care for people with head and neck cancer in Cheshire and Merseyside. Patients with Head and Neck cancer often live with the effects of cancer and their treatment long after they have recovered and our service aims to make sure they have continuity of care and a robust service that means they can improve their quality of life.”